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Forum “Reimagining the Anthropocene: Putting Culture and Heritage at the Heart of Climate Action”


The European Cultural Heritage Summit 2023, the annual ‘rendez-vous’ for cultural heritage stakeholders in Europe organised by Europa Nostra and co-funded by the European Union will be held from 27 to 30 September in Venice. The Forum "Reimagining the Anthropocene: Putting Culture and Heritage at the Heart of Climate Action" è side event della Biennale...

Venezia e la scienza, due secoli di sostenibilità

ESPOSIZIONE | Palazzo Loredan, Campo S. Stefano 2946 | Venezia

The urban transformation of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, driven by scientific and technological progress, shaped European cities. This metamorphosis involved all aspects of city life, from infrastructure to mobility, from social services to economics, from sanitation to residency. Even Venice, with its unique configuration, was not immune to these transformations, which gave birth to...

Hydrogen value chain in Veneto region: state of the art and development perspectivess

CONFERENZA | Capannone Assemblee sindacali del Petrolchimico, Via Bottenigo (angolo Via F.lli Bandiera) | Venezia Marghera

For attendance details contact: Thanks to its storing and transporting capability, thus addressing intermittent renewable sources limitations, hydrogen plays an increasingly evident role in the transition to an economy in line with Net Zero carbon emission targets. Given their progressive maturation, technologies based on this energy carrier - including hydrogen fuels - can play...

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – “World Built Environment Forum Europe Conference”

SIDE EVENT The Home of The Human Safety Net | Piazza S. Marco

The "World Built Environment Forum - Europe Conference" will be held on 19 and 20 October 2023 at the Procuratie Vecchie in Piazza S. Marco in Venice. The "side event" of the Biennale della Sostenibilità, organised by RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors,, will take place in "The human safety net" auditorium. The two-day...


SIDE EVENT Fondazion G Cini | Venezia

The second Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum stands as a beacon of innovation and reflection in the vast landscape of sustainable fashion. This forum is a not to be missed appointment as Side Event of the Sustainability Biennial 2023 - The MOSE Era for those who wish to critically analyze the present and future of sustainable...

Resilient Cultural Heritage: protect cultural heritage from sea level rise

CONFERENCE G. Cini Foundation

In light of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, it is crucial to address the challenges posed by rising sea levels and extreme meteorological events, which are expected to increase in frequency. Even with efforts to decarbonize our economies, the sea level is projected to rise for the next two centuries, putting at risk...

On the road with the Bank of Italy

SIDE EVENT Teatro Goldoni | Venezia

The economy and its links to the social and urban fabric are the focus of the side event of the Biennale della sostenibilità 2023 - The Mose era entitled "Sustainability, Green Transition and Territories" that will take place on November 9 at the Goldoni Theater in Venice. The event, organized by the Bank of Italy,...

Circular Venice: policy, practice and innovation compared

M9 - Museo del '900 | Auditorium Cesare De Michelis Via Giovanni Pascoli 11, Venezia, Italia

The circular economy is a key approach to leading society toward sustainable land management through a more efficient use of resources, an aspect that is of central relevance to the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Agenda goals. Venice, as well as the rest of the Veneto region, intends to be innovative in this field,...

The Future of Decentralization in a Changing World

Mikołajki, Poland

The 9th European Congress of Local Governments: “The Future of Decentralization in a Changing World”, organized by Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies, and of which Venice Sustainability Foundation (VSF) is an institutional partner, aims to serve as a platform for the exchange of views and a meeting place for leaders of local governments, representatives of...

Waterproof Venice

Tesa 66 | Arsenale di Venezia

The Waterproof Venice exhibition, which will be inaugurated on May 30 by VSF within the context of the 2024 Salone Nautico, aims to share, with citizens and the public, the projects̀ of the Foundation's members in the direction of sustainable and integrated development, of the Venetian territory.Located in the renovated space of Tesa 66 in...

From protection to innovation: infrastructure investments and sustainable revitalization plans for Venice in the MOSE era

Squadron Hall | Arsenal of Venice

The engineering works system MOSE, thanks to its ability to protect Venice from rising seas, has acted as an enabling factor for the development of the metropolitan area, allowing it to attract investment and initiate key infrastructural renewal works, thus meeting the city's needs for integrated sustainability. The Venice Metropolitan area, together with Padua, is...

The paradigm of Venice: valuable lessons for sea level rise adaptation and disaster risk reduction

SIDE EVENT Padiglione italiano | Cop29 Baku (Azerbaijan)

"The paradigm of Venice: valuable lessons for sea level rise adaptation and disaster risk reduction" is the title of the side event organized by the Venice Sustainability Foundation (VSF) at the Italian Pavilion at COP29 in Baku. The event aims to highlight Venice’s adaptation experience as a global laboratory of sustainability and resilience, focused on...