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Circular Venice: policy, practice and innovation compared

29 January 2024 Orario 9:00 am - 1:30 pm

The circular economy is a key approach to leading society toward sustainable land management through a more efficient use of resources, an aspect that is of central relevance to the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Agenda goals. Venice, as well as the rest of the Veneto region, intends to be innovative in this field, addressing technical and operational challenges arising from the peculiarities of its territory.

This meeting will focus on how the city of Venice, together with other municipalities and businesses in the metropolitan system, is addressing the challenges of circularity in production systems, also through the introduction of innovative approaches and solutions.

The discussion will delve into the actions initiated by the Veneto Region to make circularity more widespread and applicable in the regional territory, including via the interdisciplinary involvement of academic research.

Finally, policies, practices, and innovation in our territory will be compared with solutions implemented in other international contexts, in order to exchange knowledge about virtuous strategies that are implemented elsewhere and that can be an example for applications in the metropolitan and Veneto context

– Programma conferenza 
– Biografie dei relatori 
– Paolo Giandon: Tavolo Tecnico di riferimento per gli EoW
– Stefania Tesser: Il Veneto è circolare?
– Massimiliano De Martin: L’Economia Circolare – le politiche del territorio
– Giordano Colarullo: Circolarità nel settore utilities
– Eva Zane: La strategia regionale sul GPP
– Roshan Borsato: Protocollo d’intesa per la definizione di proposte operative per l’attuazione dell’economia circolare nei settori produttivi del Veneto
– Paolo Pavan: La circolarità nel metabolismo urbano – il recupero del carbonio secondario in Europa. Progetto “Res Urbis”
– Ivan Russo: Progetti e Innovazione sull’Economia Circolare – Università di Verona
– Maria Cristiana Lavagnolo: Il sistema economia circolare UNIPD
– Giuliana Da Villa: Circolarità nei rifiuti urbani e nel riciclo idrico
– Michele Rasera: Impianto di produzione e liquefazione del biometano
– Graziano Tassinato: Bioplastiche da rifiuti e materiali strategici dai pannelli solari – ricerca e sviluppi industriali al Green Propulsion Lab. Veritas di Marghera
– Michele Baruffato: La circolarità e le nuove tecnologie
– Leonardo Forner: Sirmax Group – Italian excellence in the world
– Françoise Bonnet: Cities and regions accelerating the transition to a circular economy​ on their territories and beyond
– Pilar Chiva Rodriguez: Circular Economy in Catalonia
– Hugh Coughlan: Dublin’s Circular Economy
Nuno Jose Diaz Vinagre: Circularity and waste management in Lisbon
– Alberto Parenti: The road to green



29 January 2024
9:00 am - 1:30 pm


M9 – Museo del ‘900 | Auditorium Cesare De Michelis
Via Giovanni Pascoli 11
Venezia, Italia