"Mapping competences and H2 demand in Veneto". Analysis of the questionnaire and interviews conducted in the Veneto region to define skills, demand, and obstacles in the hydrogen sector.
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The project, promoted by Venice Sustainability Fondation (VSF) and coordinated by the Veneto Region, aims to photograph the current competences of the hydrogen value chain in Veneto, segmented with respect to the activities of upstream operators (manufacturers), midstream (distribution and storage) and downstream (end uses). This mapping also aims to explore the potential demand for this energy carrier, and therefore the prospects for sectoral development, in Veneto. The analysis of the data collected is intended to be a supporting element on which to hypothesize the creation of a hydrogen and alternative energies pole in Marghera, capable of generating positive effects on the entire regional territory.

The mapping intends to:

  • identify the technical and industrial skills of the hydrogen value chain (production, storage, conversion and transport) and any possible gaps;
  • conduct a census on organizations operating in the hydrogen supply chain or that are interested in exploring its strategic and operational impacts;
  • quantify current and future hydrogen demand;
  • provide knowledge abount ongoing or planned projects and financial resources allocated.


On October 13th 2023, the conference presented the results of the report “Mapping competences and H2 demand in Veneto”. Evidence had been analised, by stimulating the dialogue between public and private, national, and international actors, to assess the development and prospects of the sector and to identify strategic opportunities for a hydrogen supply chain in Veneto, centred in Porto Marghera.

To rewatch the event and download the speakers’ presentations click here.


The survey is aimed at companies of the Veneto Region, called to help making Venice and Veneto attractive hubs for the hydrogen supply chain, sharing skills, projects and needs, by filling out and online survey.

The questions are maily of a technical nature, the answer requires knowledge about the consumption of energy resources of the company and/or about its sustainability and innovation strategies.

Each partecipant will receive at the end of the analysis a copy the final report.