The “World Built Environment Forum – Europe Conference” will be held on October 19 and 20 at the Procuratie Vecchie in St. Mark’s Square in Venice. The “side event” of the Biennale della Sostenibilità (Sustainability Biennial), organized by RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors,, will be held in Generali’s “The human safety net” auditorium. The two-day event will focus on the theme of “Decarbonising Europe’s built environment: a sustainable approach for people, planet and profit”.
From analysing the current economic outlook to discussing curated regional content on topics such as the impact of ESG on valuation and sustainable finance policies, WBEF Europe is designed to foster peer brainstorming for RICS delegates.
The Venice Sustainability Foundation (VSF) will organize the panel “Climate resilient cities and infrastructure: Venice’s Vision for the future”. Moderated by General Director Alessandro Costa, the session will focus on supporting the transition to net-zero carbon emissions. With a focus on the Mose, which allows the city and its territory to be defended against the rise of the mid-sea, Venice becomes a case-study worldwide.
For more information:
To view the event program click here.