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Workshop Venice City Campus

The Human Safety Net St. Mark's Square, 105, Venice, Italia

First VSF Workshop. This will be a closed meeting open to Foundation Members.

The MOSE and others: sea-storme defenses across the world


MOSE as a worldwide best practice for protecting cities from rising seas and tidal phenomena is the theme of the meeting opening the Sustainability Biennial. In fact, the MOSE system, accompanied by a wide range of other measures implemented in the lagoon and the islands of the littoral, will effectively defend Venice from October 2020....

VeniSIA: the ecosystem of innovation and sustainability in Venice

WORKSHOP Campus S. Giobbe | Venice

The event"VeniSIA: The Venice Ecosystem of Innovation and Sustainability," organized as part of the "VeniSIA Accelerator and Innovation" thematic area of Venice World Capital of Sustainability, will allow Members to learn about the initiative, in its third edition with the Co-Innovation program dedicated to Climate Change & Circular Economy. Ca' Foscari University will host presentation...

WAVES – architecture workshop in Venice: “L’acqua, le acque”.

SIDE EVENT Università Iuav di Venezia

For three weeks, designers and professionals from Italy and around the world will work together with more than a thousand Iuav students on the development of a shared project, united by attention to environmental, social and cultural sustainability. The workshop addresses the theme by focusing on sea level rise, the defence or adaptation systems required...

Workshop Circular Economy and Environment

WORKSHOP Sala Grandi Stazioni | Regione del Veneto

The workshop to be held in the Region on 5 July will aim to present to the Foundation's members the subdivision into more specific sub-areas designed for the Energy Transition and Environment area and will also serve to present the Region's projects for the first sub-area, which focuses on the circular economy and the environment....

Protecting coastal cities from sea level rise

CONFERENCE University Iuav of Venice

More than two-thirds of the world's major cities are coastal cities, vulnerable to sea-level rise and extreme weather events. The aim of the conference is to deepen, with an eye that embraces the entire planet, the present and future sustainability of adaptation measures to the rise of sea level in the urban context; through a...

Paolo Pellegrin. L’orizzonte degli eventi

SIDE EVENT Le Stanze della Fotografia

©PaoloPellegrin/MagnumPhotos This side event of the Biennale della Sostenibilità 2023 - L’era del Mose is the photo exhibition "Paolo Pellegrin. L'orizzonte degli eventi" by Marsilio Arte and Fondazione Cini. In the "Le stanze della fotografia" space, on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, from August 30, 2023 to January 7, 2024, will take...

Research and innovation for the sustainable blue growth: Venice paradigm and European perspectives

CONFERENZA | Centro Congressi Isola di San Servolo

Venice, founded on the sea and closely linked to it, is implementing a sustainable defense that does not imply an "isolation" from this dimension, but an opening to new perspectives. Recently, the city has pledged to promote a sustainable"blue growth" approach for the Mediterranean and beyond, involving Venetian research institutes and soliciting the European Union's...

Workshop Energy efficiency and Renewable energies

WOSKHOP | Palazzo Linetti | Regione del Veneto

The workshop to be hosted by Regione del Veneto on 20 September is open to the Foundation's members who have expressed interest in Sub-Site 2 'Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy'. The contents of the Sub-Site will be presented and project suggestions and ideas related to the topics under discussion will be discussed in relation to...